domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011
-Sissy-boy! You’re a girl! You play with baby-dolls!
- Idiots! What happens? Your fathers don’t take care of you? Don’t bath you? Don’t feed you? My father does! I wanna be like him!
sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011

Maria was preparing the international fair for the university with her partner full of enthusiasm; she was to represent New Zealand Stand, the day before she bought some kiwis an other food to offer the visitors.

Maria lived at home with his parents and his little pet, a dog named Tom.
Maria the night before in a little carelessness leaved the refrigerator door open with the preparations for the international fair but her astute dog ate everything in its path, including kiwis.
The next morning, Maria got up early very excited and when he reached the kitchen was the surprise that awaited him, his dog had eaten all the food!Mary began to cry and quickly called her partner which were angry with her.Maria has only one solution: quickly find a place to buy everything again.So Maria low went to buy some kiwis and bring to college.Maria did not know that down the stairs of the university, the bag would break and the kiwis would come rolling down all the stairs.
I´m your English Language
And You?
I´m your Spanish Language
What we have to do? Red face
miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011
-What are you doing here, darling, in Canada?

But I didn’t understand them Ni to the Canada Girls, ni the other groups, there were “más” countries… Ireland, New Zealand, USA, with more “comida”…
But me no “comprending”… Me “pensar” that this travel would be some of Bosmar, you know? Bosmar? Tourist thing!!! But no, this is “practice”…
Me “pensar” that me study more English….
martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011
The big day had arrived. 18. Otto woke up and looked at her sister Lucy who was still asleep. I joined a promise, the promise of a driver's license drawn together when they reach adulthood. That was the deal they made with their father. I wanted to learn to drive and wanted to do with Lucy, her twin sister.
Every day their mother prepares them the breakfast before going to work. Glass of orange juice and toasts with butter. Upon entering the kitchen he found something else on his plate and he had prepared for Lucy. Two envelopes. He ran to wake her, wanted to open together two separate envelopes. In each found a check for € 700, courtesy of his parents.
Without hesitation came down to the driving school that stood at the doorway of her home. Each one with its corresponding check in your pocket. Since last June the driving school had an offer: "Getting a driving license for young people aged 18-22 years, € 665," and Otto and Lucy knew. They came to learn of it, when the man who answered said that the offer was valid only for men. The number of women rose to 850 € claiming that they need up to 50% of practical classes.
Every day their mother prepares them the breakfast before going to work. Glass of orange juice and toasts with butter. Upon entering the kitchen he found something else on his plate and he had prepared for Lucy. Two envelopes. He ran to wake her, wanted to open together two separate envelopes. In each found a check for € 700, courtesy of his parents.
Without hesitation came down to the driving school that stood at the doorway of her home. Each one with its corresponding check in your pocket. Since last June the driving school had an offer: "Getting a driving license for young people aged 18-22 years, € 665," and Otto and Lucy knew. They came to learn of it, when the man who answered said that the offer was valid only for men. The number of women rose to 850 € claiming that they need up to 50% of practical classes.
Otto had a plan. He accepted the offer. He studied hard and passed the exam. After that, he started with driving classes. One day, when he went pass the driving school, he bended the steering wheel to the left and crashed the car into it. The police and the mass media came to the crashed scene. Otto told them about the story of the money. the next day his story was on the cover
I have not arrived, I lost my dream, what I am going to do? Only one decimal, I need 7.00 and my note is 6.99, the world fell about me.
The teacher announce the playground time. She told to the children that outside it´s cold. One girl takes a doll and put it a coat.
Suddenly, I woke up. There was no light, no consciousness of what time or day was, with the feeling that I was late. I checked my watch and it was smiling me.
I fell from her mouth, this mouth which I wanted give everything that I could give, she took me with her beautiful hand, when I was in the moment of give her all my flavor, I slide for her mouth and I fell bleak to the cold plate finally I could not enjoy of the flavor party.
María was waiting in the Manolita´s queue to buy a lottery ticket, she wanted to be rich this Christmas.
She spent long hours in the queue, but she didn´t realized that the person who was in front of her, was to change her life.
after a long time talking at the end of the queue María gave her telephone number to this person, and also they decided to buy the same number for the lottery.
They decided to buy the number 21911 because this number reflected the day that they were in the queue.
After two months the day arrived, and certainly the winning number was 21911.
It was incredible, actually they live in Madrid Center and they have 3 little kids.

after a long time talking at the end of the queue María gave her telephone number to this person, and also they decided to buy the same number for the lottery.
They decided to buy the number 21911 because this number reflected the day that they were in the queue.
After two months the day arrived, and certainly the winning number was 21911.
It was incredible, actually they live in Madrid Center and they have 3 little kids.
domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011
"You were not in my belly Steven", told me mom. She said that some children have two dads and two moms. She also told me that my other mummy's name is Joanne and she is from Germany and, my dad is Muslim and his name is Abdulfattah. Then she said that I am a great mix, and I asked her why, and mom has replied that “Best projects always turn out from the best mixes” but I don’t understand what it means.
I asked why I am not with them, so mom answered me that sometimes there are parents who don’t have enough money to care for their children, so they look for other parents as good as them for support them. And she told me that my other mom and my other dad loved very much, and for that reason, they didn’t want I was far from them, so they live in California like us!
Mom has told me these things whereas I was having a snack. Today she gave me an apple, because mummy knows I love to eat them. And after, mom asked me ¿Do you see the apple you’re biting? and I said yes and she said me that if I were with my other parents, I couldn’t eat apples because they wouldn’t buy them, and that has made me very sad, because I love biting apples, of all colors!, yellow, green, red,…
So because of that, mom told me that my other parents have left me with the other mom and dad, so I can eat all apples I want.
I like a lot how mummy explains me things. When I have finished my apple, she has given me permission to go to play to the garage.
I am gay and I am not ill and I haven´t got any illness like you said, I love the sports all sports, my parents are good parents but you have reason about something I have a problem yes. Mi problem is people like you, people think that in the twenty-first century to be homosexual is a illness, people who want take out our rights, these rights because we are fighting for that, now I must explain to my son why there are people like you, yes sir my son. He has a very normal life and we are very normal parents but the same time as I suffered a lot of problem for my condition he is suffering similar situation because his father is homosexual. Could you said me why?

They took me, I was alone my legs shaking and I didn´t know why, because supposedly I was safe. They said me a lot of things, “Don´t worry” “you have token the best option” “Now we are going to work for you”, but me feeling was other, my head listened other words, and my hearts was terrified.
Why did I lose in that way? Why did I stop when they said stop? Why did I speak?. It's true, my family don't know anything, but they know everything, I want to smoke, but they said me “ you can´t smoke here”, however I smoked the last night, yes my friend, the last night, because my live will be other, I don't know which will be my name, I don't know where I will live and the most important, I don't know if I could live without my things.
One of them come in the car and he said me, “how are you my friend?” Do you know what will happen now?” I know... for that I give you this.
My weak hand take a thing, it was cold and I remembered have token similar thing in other epoch. I down see and my heart reassured, here I had the answer a every question. I look up and I said “ thanks God”.
- What happens, Mike?
- Sir, there has been a fire on a plane. The flight went from Lismore to Sydney. It happened after the takeoff. Suddenly, some passengers sighted smoke in one of the seats. Fortunately, the flight attendants was able to extinguish the fire.
- Oh my God Mike, we cannot afford those things in our company. What are going to say the people? That sort of incidents change the public opinion, we have to stop that pyromaniac!
- Sir I’m afraid that’s not possible
- Why? Do you have their personal details?
- Yes…
- And what’s his name?
- iPhone, indeed is iPhone 4S
I’m fine in the new house, but I’ve just a little doubt to ask you.
What do I have to do with my dirty clothes? In our house I left it my room and appeared clean in the closet by magic.
Your son
Dear son:
Go to the kitchen and locate a square machine (no, no the dishwasher), the one which has a big round hole in the middle.
Get in the supermarket a detergent to clean clothes.
Put a little bit in the drawer on the corner.
Put your laundry in the big hole (the colored clothing, I'll tell you what to do with the white)
Press the start button.
And please, don’t not hypnotize with the twists of the machine.
Lots of love,
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