Maria was preparing the international fair for the university with her partner full of enthusiasm; she was to represent New Zealand Stand, the day before she bought some kiwis an other food to offer the visitors.

Maria lived at home with his parents and his little pet, a dog named Tom.
Maria the night before in a little carelessness leaved the refrigerator door open with the preparations for the international fair but her astute dog ate everything in its path, including kiwis.
The next morning, Maria got up early very excited and when he reached the kitchen was the surprise that awaited him, his dog had eaten all the food!Mary began to cry and quickly called her partner which were angry with her.Maria has only one solution: quickly find a place to buy everything again.So Maria low went to buy some kiwis and bring to college.Maria did not know that down the stairs of the university, the bag would break and the kiwis would come rolling down all the stairs.
Poor Maria! This sounds more like "the kiwis nightmare" that the International Fair one. Be careful with the person you are using to tell your story, beacuse you are constantly changing it: he, she, I...