Tom had lived with his parents for almost 35 years, his mother was his best friend and the person who had undertaken to make the food, wash clothes and pay their whims. Tom had a girlfriend for 5 years and they were deciding to move in together. Tom past 4 months left his parents' house and began to live with Anna, but Anna worked almost 8 hours a day and spent all day outside. One day Tom invite their parents to dinner at his house and decided to prepare the food to surprise their parents and them to see how well it went and the progress he had made as a homemaker ...Tom decided that in order to prepare a paella that day that his parents both liked. Also decided to prepare a fried bread to accompany the paella. Tom also wanted his mother saw that he had also learned to wash dishes and pans, and he decided to take water to the pan with hot oil Tom currently lives with her parents again, and Anne has gone to study abroad in call center engineering.
the final twist is a good idea but it's true to abrupt. also, you need to review punctuation: full stops, commas...