They took me, I was alone my legs shaking and I didn´t know why, because supposedly I was safe. They said me a lot of things, “Don´t worry” “you have token the best option” “Now we are going to work for you”, but me feeling was other, my head listened other words, and my hearts was terrified.
Why did I lose in that way? Why did I stop when they said stop? Why did I speak?. It's true, my family don't know anything, but they know everything, I want to smoke, but they said me “ you can´t smoke here”, however I smoked the last night, yes my friend, the last night, because my live will be other, I don't know which will be my name, I don't know where I will live and the most important, I don't know if I could live without my things.
One of them come in the car and he said me, “how are you my friend?” Do you know what will happen now?” I know... for that I give you this.
My weak hand take a thing, it was cold and I remembered have token similar thing in other epoch. I down see and my heart reassured, here I had the answer a every question. I look up and I said “ thanks God”.
well written. you need to give more details about "the thing"